Åland (Åland har speciella tullregler inom EU)

Vi skickar till Åland. Observera att du som kund bokar upphämtning av leverans och tull själv. När du bokat upphämtningen mailar du oss alla frakthandlingar. Vi packar din leverans samma dag och bifogar leverans- och tullhandlingar enligt de krav som ställs från mottagarlandet.


1-3 discar 1 kg

4-6 discar 2 kg

7- 10 discar 3 kg

10+ discar 4 kg

Discgolfväska liten 2 kg

Discgolfväska stor 4 kg


Toimitamme Ahvenanmaalle. Huomaathan, että sinä asiakkaana varaat itse toimituksen ja tullin noudon. Kun olet varannut noudon, lähetät meille sähköpostitse kaikki lähetysasiakirjat. Pakkaamme toimituksesi samana päivänä ja liitämme mukaan toimitus- ja tulliasiakirjat vastaanottajamaan asettamien vaatimusten mukaisesti.


1-3 frisbee 1 kg

4-6 frisbee 2 kg

7-10 frisbee 3 kg

10+ frisbee 4 kg

Disc golf laukku pieni 2 kg

Disc golf laukku iso 4 kg

Custom rules in Åland

The tax border between the Province of Åland and mainland Finland as well as between the province and other EU countries also means that the sale and delivery of goods between the EU’s tax area and the Province of Åland is covered by the same export procedure as for trade with third countries. Imports from the rest of Finland, from another Member State or from a state outside the Community to the Province of Åland as well as imports to mainland Finland from the Province of Åland are governed by the provisions of the Value Added Tax Act and the legal waivers for Åland on imports and exports of goods. In tax border trade between Åland and mainland Finland, a simplified procedure can be applied. The tax border round Åland also means that tax free sales still exist on ships and planes serving Åland.